U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Reconsideration for Lawsuit Seeking to Reinstate Trump as President; Raland Brunson v. Alma Adams

President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden
Brunson stated that Congress’ failure to investigate the election was “an act of war” and “an attack” against his ability “to participate in an honest and fair election.” He asked the courts to remove Biden from the White House and reinstall Trump as president.  File photo: Ron Adar / Matt Smith Photographer, Shutterstock.com, licensed.

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected for the second time a lawsuit filed by a Utah man challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election and seeking to have the nation’s highest court remove the Biden Administration from office and reinstall Donald Trump as president of the United States. 

After declining to hear arguments in Raland Brunson v. Alma Adams in January without explanation – a case that had already been dismissed by both a lower court and an appeals court – the Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a petition for reconsideration filed by Brunson, effectively ending his legal challenge to overturn the election. 

Brunson’s case hinged on his insistence that federal officials – including every member of Congress – had failed to adhere to their oath of office by not launching probes into claims by 154 members of Congress that the 2020 election was won by “widespread voter fraud.,” as repeatedly claimed by former President Donald Trump. 

Brunson stated that Congress’ failure to investigate the election was “an act of war” and “an attack” against his ability “to participate in an honest and fair election.” He asked the courts to remove Biden from the White House and reinstall Trump as president. 

However, despite Tuesday’s rejection, Brunson has refused to give up, saying in a Facebook post that he will continue to explore legal avenues to push the case forward, although it is not clear what options the unsuccessful plaintiff currently has left. 

“Second Petition denied. Moving on to plan C. I will say more about that within the next few days. We have been working long and hard on these strategies and there are more to come,” he said. “We understand this to be a possible long but worthy goal. The result is that everyone in this nation will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that the candidate of their choice will be bound by their oath to protect the rights and freedom of the people they represent.” 

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