NEW YORK, NY – Let’s be clear: Pedophilia is NOT a “sexual orientation” – it’s an abusive crime that traumatizes children. Furthermore, there is NO pedophilia gene. And pedophilia operates in both high and low places.
New Jeffrey Epstein docs reveal the pedophile met with CIA chief, former White House counsel — after his child sex crime conviction, reports an article in The New York Post. “The trove of papers, obtained by the Wall Street Journal, shows meetings between Epstein and several prominent people, including three with William Burns, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, when he was the deputy secretary of state in 2014.”
The Geneva-based International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) NGO, which works alongside the United Nations, announced new criminal law reform principles that basically sanction pedophilia under the guise of protecting human rights. Peruse the 32-page United Nation March 2023 report HERE. “Sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law.”
“The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) embraces the idea that all human beings are sexual and concludes from this that children have sexual rights that trump the rights of parents to protect their innocence,” reports an article in The Federalist.
Recently a group of Democrat legislators in Minnesota, led by the state’s first transgender lawmaker, introduced a bill that would have removed language in Minnesota’s Human Rights Act that explicitly says pedophilia is not a “sexual orientation” as defined by state statute.
In 2022, California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom released thousands of pedophiles back to the streets. The pedophiles have been convicted of “a range of horrific acts, including raping kids under 14,” according to the study investigation conducted by the U.K. Daily Mail. “It’s frightening for society. Thousands of convicted pedophiles in California are being released from prison in less than a year for horrific acts, including rape, sodomy and sexual abuse of kids under 14.”
Elon Musk made it clear that Twitter has zero tolerance for pedophiles, according to a recent Bizpac Review commentary. An account under the name Pot Luck posted an image of a “YAP pride flag” featuring blue, yellow, red, and purple bars while paying homage to Alice Day, which is reportedly a “pedophile pride day” celebrated each year on April 25. “Happy Alice Day, to those who celebrate,” user @zeebdemon tweeted. “I figured, why not use today to unveil the YAP (Youth Attracted People) pride flag I designed almost a year ago?”
In July 2018, a TEDx speaker argued that pedophilia should be accepted as “an unchangeable sexual orientation.” Mirjam Heine’s presentation, “Pedophilia Is a Natural Sexual Orientation” at Germany’s University of Wurtzberg is Exhibit A in the effort to make pedophilia sound as benign as a person who has a sweet tooth, but doesn’t gorge on dessert, as reported in The Daily Signal.
Let’s revisit the Balenciaga scandal. The set of photos depicting toddlers holding teddy bears in BDSM bondage gear used in advertisements for the Spanish fashion label’s Spring/Summer 2023 collection, triggered a flood of outrage when they were posted on Instagram to the brand’s 14 million followers.
A professor at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, who talked about “destigmatizing pedophilia” and referred to pedophiles as “minor-attracted people” resigned following outcry over the phrase. Allyn Walker, a transgendered person, argued destigmatizing the attraction would allow more people to seek help and ultimately prevent child sexual abuse.
“The trans movement’s disturbing obsession with children — the “all ages” drag shows, the pornographic books in school libraries, the push to allow the castration and sterilization of minors — isn’t just an aggressive tactic to prove that transgender people are safe around kids or to groom kids into becoming trans. It’s part of a broader strategy to normalize pedophilia,” surmises Constitutional Rights Pac.
Yes, there is a segment of child predators that have infiltrated the transgender movement to gain access to children. And the political powerbrokers (aka megalomaniacs) behind this trans curtain uses this group of deviant men and women as pawns to push pedophilia. Both groups are a danger to children, families, and the moral fabric of society.
The Washington Post in June ran an opinion column, “Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it,” which sought to normalize acceptance of and tolerance for sexual deviance by children.
According to a 2022 article in the liberal rabid rag USA Today, “One of the most significant findings is that scientists who study the disorder say pedophilia is determined in the womb, though environmental factors may influence whether someone acts on an urge to abuse.”
Lies, lies, and damn lies – my professional and personal view.
Many LGBTQ activists are mere pawns in the game to make the public sexualization of minors acceptable in society. They’ve been duped into accepting any behavior for any reason under the sun. It’s an attempt to desensitize society to make pedophilia more palatable.
Many individuals diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria are NOT part of this predatory group. And they deserve compassionate treatment.
Many drag queens that entertain adults in adult places are NOT members of the pedophile clique, however they refuse to call out child predators.
- Related: Rambling RuPaul’s Recent Rant On The Right’s Mission To Protect Minors From Deviant Drag Queens
Protecting Children
It is NOT a hate crime to shout that males with criminal sex offender records should not be dressed in drag and reading to young children at public libraries.
It’s NOT a hate crime to remove books on any type of porn (homosexual or heterosexual) from schools and libraries for young children.
It is NOT a hate crime to proclaim that adult males, whether gay or straight, should NOT be twerking in front of children while wearing skimpy outfits, dramatized makeup, wigs – outlandish caricatures mocking females while pretending to entertain.
Children’s rights are human rights. And caring adults will never stop defending and protecting children from perverts, sexual predators, and pedophiles.
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