MIAMI, FL – “The only group that does not have a month are white, heterosexual, able-bodied, Christian men but then, they are in control all year long,” laments journalist Jesse Monteagudo in a recent opinion piece for OutSFL, a LGBTQ magazine in South Florida. “First, I am happy to bring “Jesse’s Journal” to its new home, Out South Florida (OutSFL) and to do so on LGBTQ+ Pride Month,” he writes.
“As a white-appearing, able-bodied, middle class, cisgender man living in South Florida I am barely affected by the reign of terror emanating from Tallahassee,” Monteagudo points out as he oozes advocacy for the radical LGBTQ crowd.
So, Monteagudo has no problem with white, heterosexual, able-bodied, males from any religion – except Christianity. Interesting.
Being proud to be married to a white, heterosexual, able-bodied Christian man, I find Monteagudo’s vitriol to be racist, sexist, and offensive. Being a white, heterosexual, able-bodied, Christian female, I question why any sensible human would lump particular individuals into one group and vomit venom – prejudice, discrimination, inequity.
Having relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and colleagues that fit into Monteagudo’s bogus box of bigotry, I am speaking out for them as well.
Bam! Monteagudo spewed hate onto people of white skin; people of heterosexual orientation; people who work; people of the Christian religion; and people with biological male chromosomes and genitalia. He appears to be proud of his poisonous propaganda.
Well, from his opinion piece, we can extrapolate that Monteagudo lacks tolerance for certain humans. Hmmm. Jesus was Jewish, Christian, heterosexual, able-bodied, and white when he lived on earth.
He would fit in well with the creepy Joe Biden administration and especially with Richard Rachel Levine. Both bio men promote and support dangerous hormone drugs, castration, and mutilation for minors. Does Monteagudo also agree with cutting off healthy breasts and genitals of children and adolescents?
Of course, Monteagudo referred to Proud Boys, Moms for Liberty, and Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis with the labels of “racism, homophobia, and transphobia.” Blah. Blah. Blah. Same ‘ole rhetoric and victimhood mentality from a radical LGBTQ whiner.
“At worse, they seek to destroy us. At best, they seek to erase decades of Pride and pressure us to feel shame again,” Monteagudo goes into full victim drama mode.
“Of course, there is always a possibility that a mentally disturbed person, assisted by our increasingly lax gun laws, might decide to take us out of our miseries, all to our leaders’ “thoughts and prayers,” he proclaims.
Let’s review my columns:
- Six Innocent Victims – One Guilty Murderer – A Trans Shooter At Christian School In TN
- Transgender Montana Lawmaker Zephyr Tweets Violent & Sickening Cartoon: “My Ideal Relationship With A Man”
- Unstable Trans Woman (Bio Male) That Threatened Women With Violence Is Under Kansas Police Investigation
- Police Release Dash Cam Footage Of Florida Trans Teacher Who Allegedly Threatened Violence
- Disturbed Trans Developer Creates Video Game Where Players Kill Females & Priests That Disagree With Gender Ideology
- More Trans Violence – Transwoman (Bio Male) Arrested For Threatening To Shoot Up Schools, Churches
- Canceled: Militant “Trans Day Of Vengeance” By Trans Radical Activist Network Cult Movement
- Support Riley Gaines, Assaulted By Trans Militants At University Speaking Event
Hmmm. Monteagudo’s entire narrative fails to mention why citizens are standing up to defend and protect children from indoctrination, grooming, and sexualization of deviant drag queens in public places and half-naked queer males twerking in thongs and simulating sex acts on Pride Parade floats. How convenience that he skips the video clips exposing indecent behaviors at public LGBTQ events.
Let’s review my columns:
- Gay Men In Florida Need To Keep Almost-Naked Bodies & Simulated Sexual Behaviors At Adult Gay Resorts – Not Public Parades
- Vibrator Races, Underwear Glow Parties, Drunken’ Drag Brunch, BDSM, Nudity: What Is Happening At Annual Pride Events?
- Transgender Minnesota Lawmaker Introduces Bill Removing Anti-Pedophile Language From State’s Human Rights Act
- 18-Year-Old Trans-Identifying Male Pervert Showers With 14-Year-Old Girls In School Locker Room
- Depraved Drag Queen Gives Lap Dance To Student At Public School In NC – Video Goes Viral & Lawmakers Respond
- Equality Florida – Too Late For Drag Queens To Dress Like Grannies & Pretend Wholesomeness To Hang Out With Kids
- Sexualized Drag Queen Performance AT LA Zoo Touts “Family-Friendly” – But IS Adult Raunchy
- Gay Pornographic Books In Florida Public Schools Exposed Via Video
- “Sez Me,” Program Dresses Minors in Drag & Offers Young Children DQ Coloring Book
- Drag Queens Discussed “Blowjobs” And “Licking Genitals” At TX Event With Kids, Parents in Audience
- Drag Queen In NYC Dances In Thong With Bare Buns Hanging Out As Kids Watch
As I’ve said many times – adult male drag queens entertaining other consenting adults in adult places is none of my business – but leave the kids alone. Adults choosing drugs and trans mutilation surgery is none of my business – but leave minors alone. Adults choosing to read gay porn is none of my business – but leave children and minors alone.
Let’s review my columns:
- Preventable Tragedy: Transgender Teen Died From Complication After Surgery Created “Neo-Vagina” Using His Own Colon Tissue
- Pioneer Psychiatrist In Child Gender Dysphoria Treatment Says Medical Industry Harming Kids
- Flawed Trans Youth Studies Are Ousted But Radical LGBTQ Activists Keep Pushing Debunked Results
- 80% Of Kids Grow Out Of Gender Dysphoria – Pediatric Psychiatrists & Research Outcomes
- “Would You Rather Have A Dead Daughter Or A Living Son?” – Gender Clinic Fearmongering Fallacy Exposed
- 5 Year-Old Children Targeted For Transgender Support Group At LGBTQ Center In Florida
- First Lawsuit In US From Detransitioner Mutilated By Physician, Surgeon, And Hospital By Courageous Chloe
- Related: Psychiatrist Miriam Grossman Fights Gender Ideology With New Book – Calls Out Spineless Physicians; “Lost In Trans Nation”
- What Kind Of A Society Gladly Cuts Off Healthy Breasts And Genitals Of Teens? A Sick Society
However, there is an entire community of responsible, rational, and reasonable LBGTQ individuals that are against drag queens indoctrinating, grooming and sexualizing children. They stand against perverts, predators, and pedophiles. They are against dangerous hormone drugs and mutilation of minors. They are against gay porn in public schools. Peruse the Gays Against Groomers website.
Monteagudo ends his rabid rant with “Let’s make this year’s Pride something our enemies will long remember.”
So, are his enemies white, heterosexual, able-bodied, Christian men or anyone that uses free speech to voice other views and opinions? Am I his enemy because I defend and protect children from the militant LGBTQ invasion?
Yes, Monteagudo is entitled to freedom of speech – and so am I. The First Amendment safeguards free speech in the United States, including hate speech. The First Amendment requires the government to preserve vigorous discussion on subjects of public concern, even if such debate devolves into disagreeable, rude, or bigoted speech and causes others to experience sadness, resentment, or terror.
Obviously, the radical LGBTQ cultists along with the woke mind virus has fried Jesse Monteagudo’s brain cells as he engages in hate speech as he defines and combines a group of humans together.
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