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Op-Ed: To Vaccinate or Not To Vaccinate

What is going on in the world of pharmaceutical and science? File photo: Gorodenkoff, Shutter Stock, licensed. MANATEE COUNTY, FL – What is going on in the world of pharmaceutical and science? Every single doubt this writer has

Op-Ed: Life Is What You Make It

With opportunity comes the necessity of focusing one’s energy without making excuses or poor choices. Excuses and eliminating choices are the death sentence for obtaining a person’s goals. File photo: Dirima, Shutter Stock, licensed.

Op-Ed: Biden’s Motley Constituency

Joe Biden won’t be on the ballot in November, but his policies will be and if Democrats somehow manage to retain control of both houses of Congress, his agenda will press forward unchallenged, and his motley constituency will take the…

The Story of Joseph and Aseneth

It came to pass in the first year of the seven years of plenty, Pharaoh sent out Joseph to go around the whole land of Egypt. Joseph came into the district of Heliopolis where he was collecting grain. Now there was in that city a satrap of

Op-Ed: White Guilt – As Good as Gold

Race-baiters, those who fuel racial tensions for selfish reasons, especially like to use guilt. With help from the news media, they’ve managed to create the illusion of systemic racism in America. Image credit: Peter Lemiska WASHINGTON,

Op-Ed: Has Anyone Checked the Oil?

A surefire solution for our cars and country is to fill up the oil. However, ruling radicals won't do it because the war on fossil fuels is part of their plan to destroy free enterprise and replace it with the ultimate self-defeating